DMCA Policy

ATTENTION! Our website doesn't contain any material protected by copyright. We do not host any files that violate copyright. Any products presented on the website are available under the GNU General Public License.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) is designed to protect content creators from having their work stolen and published by other people on the internet.

The law specifically targets websites where owners do not know who contributed each item of content or that the website is a platform for uploading and publishing content.

We have the policy to respond to any infringement notice and take appropriate action.

This Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy applies to the “” website (“Website” or “Service”) and any of its related products and services (collectively, “Services”) and outlines how this Website operator (“Operator”, “we”, “us” or “our”) addresses copyright infringement notifications and how you (“you” or “your”) may submit a copyright infringement complaint.

Protection of intellectual property is of utmost importance to us and we ask our users and their authorized agents to do the same. It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notifications of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998, the text of which can be found at the U.S. Copyright Office website.

Our DMCA Policy was created with the help of the ToolsPrince DMCA Policy Generator.


What to consider before submitting a copyright complaint


Please note that if you are unsure whether the material you are reporting is in fact infringing, you may wish to contact an attorney before filing a notification with us.

The DMCA requires you to provide your personal information in the copyright infringement notification. If you are concerned about the privacy of your personal information.


Reporting copyright infringement

The following elements must be included in your copyright infringement claim: 

  1. Provide evidence of the authorized person to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  2.  Provide sufficient contact information so that we may contact you. You must also include a valid email address.
  3. You must identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed and including at least one search term under which the material appears in TALEEMCITY.COM search results.
  4. A statement that the complaining party has a good-faith belief that use of the material in
    the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
  5. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of
    perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an
    exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
  6. Must be signed by the authorized person to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive
    right that is allegedly being infringed.
  7. Send the infringement notice via email or contact form to [email protected] with the words “DMCA Complaint” in the subject line
    Please allow us up to a week for an email response. Note that emailing your complaint to other parties such as our Internet Service Provider will not expedite your request. And may result in a delayed response due to the complaint not being filed properly.


Please allow 1-2 business days for an email response.